I recently had a crisis of faith. I picked up "Peace and Plenty" by Sarah ban Breathnach, and began to read how she came back and rebuilt her life from a crushingly low point.
I hope you'll get a copy of this very comforting book and maybe make yourself a checklist like mine from what you glean. Some of the lines are from other sources that have also helped me. Some won't make much sense without reading the book; but I'm happy to elaborate on any of them. Just get in touch with a comment.
I'll tell you about a few of them now.
Put your date on the "Good Morning!" line
Worry tomorrow is my personal bad habit fix. It came from Sarah's book. Whatever habit you're wanting to break, just decide to stop it for today. Tomorrow, you can see how you did, and decide again...just one day at a time. It took me about a month to get in this habit, and WORKED! Worrying does no good, and I found it was possible just to put it off!
"Who you are in Christ" is taken from a list I can send you. Each day, you write one and remember it throughout your day.
Good Morning!________________________________________________
Worry tomorrow
Pray for financial grace
Meditate 2 X
Who you are in Christ
Peace and plenty today
You woke up! You are meant to go on. Your
purpose today_________________
Lord, what am I doing wrong? What
should I be doing differently?
For Meditation and Energy
work The Magic of
To your energy – Never
petty or petulant
Protect it Genuinely interested
in people and
Guard it and activities
Defend it
Portrays radiance that magnetizes
Cherish it Is the
true essence of beauty
Be kind to it Personality
grows with the years, does
Be supportive of it not fade
Nourish it Reflects
individuality, intelligence and
Bless it
warmth of spirit
Give thanks for it Is self-disciplined and
Good Night!
Get up happy, thankful for the promise
of a new day’s possibilities!
One money task/day – get organized
Be well-groomed
Face the day without fear, pray for a
day of financial grace
Put the past behind you. I’m blessed,
and today holds peace and plenty for me and mine
Do a good deed (make it a surprise if
Work on a hobby for 20 minutes
Do one thing a day to make your home
more pleasant
Do one thing you’ve been embarrassed
to do in the past.
Read at least 15 mins./day
Wish well and pray for someone you dislike
Read at least 15 mins./day
Wish well and pray for someone you dislike
1 Smile and look at people
1 Analyze guilts and fears and check for reality
– 5 mins
Clean up a job you’ve been putting off for a long time
Clean up a job you’ve been putting off for a long time
Resolve to stop a bad habit for one day
Laugh at your own mistakes, then forgive yourself.
Laugh at your own mistakes, then forgive yourself.
1 Physical, emotional, spiritual, mental
One thought that brings comfort or encouragement for me
or mine.
Gratitude, Simplicity, Order, Beauty,
Harmony, Joy
I made it through the (day, week, month)!
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