I have a hunger for knowledge and a sense of abundance that insists I share it. Questions dart around in my mind sometimes so quickly. This is where I want to document them so that I can come back later. Like Gretel returning from her adventure with Hansel, my questions and my answers will be my signs along the road home...home, peace, safety, beauty, contenment, love, friendship, joy, humor, music, Heaven. My life is a prayer, a question or request to my Father, and an answer of Who He Is. I'm constantly seeking answers to questions, mostly serious ones because that's the way I am; but sometimes I'll try to make you laugh.
Today's question comes because my friend, my Gypsy Twinsie Laurie Zieber spurred me to ask it as part of her "If Only Then I" project. You'll thank yourself later I promise, if you join in too at www.lauriezieber.com. My question, which I'm asking myself is, "What if I invest myself in whatever God brings my way instead of protecting myself from being spontaneous?" Right before I was going to turn in my assignment to Miss Laurie, I checked an email from her. It contained a prayer request from someone new to our prayer group, someone who's been struggling with some issues that I have been too. Parenting issues. I may be a little farther along the path than she. There was an answer for me right there in the form of a "whoever", not a "whatever". I didn't have to, but I decided to invest myself, my heart and my experience in trying to ease some of this new friend's pain and weariness. Someone had done that for me, so I had to let the abundance I'd been given spill out in prayer for her.
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