Ugh, the heat! Most everyone in the northern hemisphere is under the same oppressive electric blanket; but I still feel the need to connect with you all. Misery loves company much?
I know you will forgive me for slacking on posts. Last night was a visit to the ER with daughter and SIL. Now that she's slowing her every-20-min visits to the "throne room", I can breathe and give thanks that she was told it's a virus. Poor, young hubby was really worried!
Thursday and Friday were not the best days for Michael...thankfully, meds really do work, but we need to start getting ahead of the pain more now. Although he slept a lot off and on, I was too distracted to do anything too productive, so still just one pillow finished. Having an old phone that takes pictures, but not very well makes getting out the real camera, uploading with the cable...well, blech.
Thank you for your patience, although I'm sure you haven't been holding your breath unless it's to dive underwater! I wish you popsicles, water balloon fights, slip n slides, Marco Polo and tasty concrete. ;0)

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